Tosin Eniolorunda (Moniepoint CEO) biography, net worth, state of origin, career, education, wife, age, date of birth, personal life and more

Tosin Eniolorunda (Moniepoint CEO) biography, net worth, state of origin, career, education, wife, age, date of birth, personal life and more

Tosin Eniolorunda (Moniepoint CEO) biography, net worth, state of origin, career, education, wife, age, date of birth, personal life and more

Read all Tosin Eniolorunda biography and net worth

Tosin Eniolorunda is a Nigerian mechanical engineer and software engineer, he is the CEO of Moniepoint, which is a fintech company and licensed bank that provides financial solution for businesses.

Moniepoint is fully licensed by the central bank of Nigeria, you can open an account, receive payment from customers, transfer funds to other accounts, pay bills, buy airtime, obtain loans and many more.

Moniepoint was formerly known as TeamApt, and was founded in 2015, it currently processes billions in transactions monthly and has partnered with over one million business and with thousands of agents across Nigeria.

If you want to read all about Tosin Eniolorunda biography, Tosin Eniolorunda net worth, Tosin Eniolorunda state of origin, Tosin Eniolorunda career, Tosin Eniolorunda education, Tosin Eniolorunda wife, Tosin Eniolorunda age, Tosin Eniolorunda date of birth, Tosin Eniolorunda personal life and more.

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The below is the profile of Tosin Eniolorunda:

Reaad my Babs Ogundeyi (KUDA CEO) biography and net worth


Tosin Eniolorunda profile

Tosin Eniolorunda biography

Name: Tosin Eniolorunda

Date of birth: N/A

Age: N/A

State of origin: Oyo state

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Entrepreneur and Software engineer

Net worth: $10 million


Tosin Eniolorunda biography (Early life)

Tosin Eniolorunda was born and raised in Ibadan, Oyo state in the western part of Nigeria. He is the first of three children born to his parents.

Tosin Eniolorunda education

Tosin Eniolorunda completed his primary and secondary education in Ibadan and obtained his first school leaving certificate and west African senior school certificate.

He graduated with a degree in Mechanical engineering from the Obafemi Awolowo university (OAU).

Tosin Eniolorunda career

He had an internship with Schlumberger limited port Harcourt in 2005. Tosin also worked at interswitch where he held positions such as software manager, unit head of application development and product manager.

Tosin Eniolorunda is the CEO of Moniepoint, which is a fintech company and licensed bank that provides financial solution for businesses.

Moniepoint is fully licensed by the central bank of Nigeria, you can open an account, receive payment from customers, transfer funds to other accounts, pay bills, buy airtime, obtain loans and many more.

Moniepoint was formerly known as TeamApt, and was founded in 2015, it currently processes billions in transactions monthly and has partnered with over one million business and with thousands of agents across Nigeria.

Tosin Eniolorunda wife

Tosin Eniolorunda wife information is not available on the internet. It is known that he is married with Kids.

Tosin Eniolorunda net worth

Tosin Eniolorunda net worth has been estimated at $10 million. He is the CEO of Moniepoint, which currently processes billions in transactions monthly and has partnered with over one million business and with thousands of agents across Nigeria.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Tosin Eniolorunda from?

He hails from Ibadan, Oyo state.

What is Tosin Eniolorunda net worth?

Tosin Eniolorunda net worth has been estimated at $10 million.

How old is Tosin Eniolorunda?



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