Babs Ogundeyi (Kuda CEO) biography, net worth, age, career, education, state of origin and more.

Babs Ogundeyi (Kuda CEO) biography, net worth, age, career, education, state of origin and more.

Babs Ogundeyi (Kuda CEO) biography, net worth, age, career, education, state of origin and more.

Read all about Babs Ogundeyi biography and net worth.

Babs Ogundeyi is the CEO & Co-founder of Kuda bank, which is Nigeria’s first mobile only bank that is licensed by the central bank of Nigeria. Kuda bank comes in with many amazing features, like zero card maintenance fees, free transfers, automatic savings and more.

Babs Ogundeyi is an entrepreneur, a financial advisor, an accountant who has been involved in many ventures.

If you want to read all about Babs Ogundeyi biography, Babs Ogundeyi net worth, Babs Ogundeyi age, Babs Ogundeyi career, Babs Ogundeyi education, Babs Ogundeyi state of origin, Babs Ogundeyi personal life, Babs Ogundeyi social media and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Kuda bank CEO Babs Ogundeyi:


Babs Ogundeyi profile

Babs ogundeyi biography

Name: Babs Ogundeyi

Date of birth: N/A

Age: N/A

State of origin: N/A

Occupation: Accountant, entrepreneur, investor, financial advisor

Nationality: Nigeria

Net worth: $50 million

Read my Kuda bank review

Babs Ogundeyi biography

Babs Ogundeyi is the CEO & Co-founder of Kuda bank, which is Nigeria’s first mobile only bank that is licensed by the central bank of Nigeria. Kuda bank comes in with many amazing features, like zero card maintenance fees, free transfers, automatic savings and more.

Kuda bank started some few years back as Kudimoney, their aim was to solve the numerous problems that users had with traditional banks.

They later changed their name to Kudabank, and grew their team to help them achieve their goal.

Kuda bank is registered and licensed by the Central bank of Nigeria (CBN) and their registration number RC796975. It is headed by CEO Babs Ogundeyi.

Kuda bank is mobile first and they have no physical bank to carry out transactions. This means that all its transactions are carried out on mobile.

This is particularly great for people who do not like the physical activities involved in going to the bank, especially those very long queues.

Babs Ogundeyi education

Babs holds a bachelor’s degree in Business studies and accounting from Brunel university, London.

Babs Ogundeyi career

Babs Ogundeyi was a co-founder of Motortrader, which is the first classified ad car magazine in Nigeria. It was later acquired by a newspaper company in Nigeria.

Babs works at PriceWaterhouseCoppers (PwC) as an engagement manager, he directed audits and advisory engagements of many African banks.

He worked as a partner and financial advisory with Redbrick Ltd, which is a property development company that operates in Lagos, Nigeria.

Babs also worked as a special adviser to the Oyo state government from 2011 to 2015. He was responsible for capital raising in Oyo state, he successfully led a bond raising program that generated 55 billion naira.

He was also in charge of establishing the public private partnership (PPP) office and debt management office (DMO) in Oyo state. Babs created products that increased the internally generated revenue of the Oyo state government.

He also set up and managed the Oyo state pension contributory scheme and was the head of the Oyo state’s microfinance bank. He was able to bring the bank back from a $2 million loss to be in profit.

Babs Ogundeyi net worth

Babs Ogundeyi net worth has been estimated at $50 million. He is an entrepreneur, a financial advisor, an accountant who has been involved in many ventures.

He is the CEO and co-founder of Nigeria’s first mobile only bank “Kuda”.

Babs Ogundeyi social media

If you want to get in touch with Babs Ogundeyi, you can do it via the following channels:

Instagram: @babsogundeyi

Twitter: @babsogundeyi

Babs Ogundeyi personal life

Babs Ogundeyi is married, and the marriage is blessed with kids.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Who is Babs Ogundeyi wife?


How old is Babs Ogundeyi?



Read my post on how to open Kuda bank account

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