Sandeep Nailwal biography, net worth, career, education, age and more

Sandeep Nailwal biography, net worth, career, education, age and more

Sandeep Nailwal biography, net worth, career, education, age and more

Read all about Sandeep Nailwal biography and net worth.

Sandeep Nailwal is an Indian entrepreneur, software developer and co-founder of Polygon which was formerly known as MATIC network.

Sandeep started his career as a software engineer at computer sciences corporation, he was the CEO of a DApp development firm known as

In April 2021, Nailwal announced his intentions to launch a COVID-19 relief campaign for India, the relief raised over $2.2 million and even got a donation from the CEO of ethereum Vitalik buterin.

If you want to read all about Sandeep Nailwal biography, Sandeep Nailwal net worth, Sandeep Nailwal career, Sandeep Nailwal education, Sandeep Nailwal age, Sandeep Nailwal wife, Sandeep Nailwal date of birth and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of the CEO of Polygon Sandeep Nailwal:

Sandeep Nailwal profile

Name: Sandeep Nailwal

Date of birth: N/A

Age: N/A

Nationality: Indian

Occupation: Software engineer, entrepreneur, CEO of polygon

Net worth: N/A


Sandeep Nailwal biography

Sandeep nailwal

Sandeep Nailwal is an Indian entrepreneur, software developer and co-founder of Polygon which was formerly known as MATIC network.

Polygon was founded in 2017 and is a protocol and a framework for building and connecting ethereum compatible blockchain networks. Polygon solves problems associated with blockchains like high gas fee & slow speeds without lowering security.

Formerly known as matic network, polygon is a layer 2 scaling solution that achieves scale by utilizing sidechains for off-chain computation while ensuring asset security using the plasma framework and a decentralized network of proof-of stake (PoS) validators.

Polyon received an investment from billionaire investor Mark Cuban, in May, Polygon revealed it had completed a project of integrating the polygon assets into Google cloud platforms Big query.

This means that Big Query users can run queries on Polygon and access various blockchain related data sets on its network.

Sandeep Nailwal education

Nailwal received a master of business administration in technology, finance & supply chain management from National institute of industrial engineering.

Sandeep Nailwal career

Sandeep started his career as a software engineer at computer sciences corporation, In 2014, he joined Deolitte as a consultant and was involved in management consulting & program management.

From 2015 – 2016, Nailwal served as head of technology and supply chain at Welspun group.

In 2016, He co-founded a Dapp development firm, he served as it’s CEO until 2017, when he founded “Polygon”, which is a protocol and a framework for building and connecting ethereum compatible blockchain networks. Polygon solves problems associated with blockchains like high gas fee & slow speeds without lowering security.

He and his team were able to raise $5 million after an initial exchange offering with Binance.

In April 2021, Nailwal announced his intentions to launch a COVID-19 relief campaign for India, the relief raised over $2.2 million and even got a donation from the CEO of ethereum Vitalik buterin.

Sandeep Nailwal wife

Sandeep Nailwal is married to a lady whose name is Harshita Singh.

Sandeep Nailwal net worth

Sandeep Nailwal net worth has not yet been estimated. With the success of Polygon, Sandeep Nailwal is a billionaire.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How old is Sandeep Nailwal?

Sandeep Nailwal age is not yet known

What is Sandeep Nailwal net worth?

Sandeep Nailwal net worth has not yet been estimated. With the success of Polygon, Sandeep Nailwal is a billionaire.

Who is Sandeep Nailwal wife?

Sandeep Nailwal is married to a lady whose name is Harshita Singh.

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